Magic Box or Tragic Box?
Recently, a Scottish initiative made headlines: ‘Baby boxes to be sent out across Scotland from August’. When reading this, I couldn’t...
Exploring Holland
Having a short June break definitely belongs to the small pleasures of life, and even more so if it allows you to take a not-Dutchie...
Sounding Good?
Mobile ultrasound devices have been on the rise over the last years. This can hardly come as a surprise. Whether a (para)medic at the...
Birds, birth, burgers and more
These days, work and other obligations are keeping me closer to home. So for a while, I will have to exchange exploring 'the foreign'...
High Tea: High Risk?
Last week, I caught myself eavesdropping on a conversation between two elderly ladies in the train. One of their relatives was having...
Wandering in the duke’s forest
Springtime drove me out of the house and into the lovely old city of Den Bosch, that has a lot more to it than just its stunning...
iCycle: Tracking the Female Cycle
Men often say that women can be very unpredictable, but are they really or is it more a matter of learning how to read a woman’s seasonal...
“Seeing is believing” is true for parents who first see their baby on an ultrasound scan. It often makes their pregnancy more real,...
Birth in Tanzania's Hidden Valley
Does bad luck come in threes? Well, in some places in this world death comes in “three delays”. Imagine you are expecting your...
Dutch Midwifery Without Borders
By nature, the Dutch are a nation of sailors, with an adventurous spirit and a love for taking the lead and entrepreneuring. Wherever...